Holiday Pilates Lanzarote
Taking your Pilates Poolside
Holidays!! Oh are they not just the best thing ever?
Sun Sea Sand and Pilates....
Ok so it is not everybody's cup of tea to work out whilst on holiday I get that.
However having said that for most of us finding the time to exercise at home can be difficult. With busy day jobs, families, running a house it can be impossible some days to find that important time for you.
For me the perfect time to do some gentle, much needed exercise is on holiday. I will usually do something daily and I don't mean a full on killer sweat session everyday (unless that's what you want) but I do around 30-40 minutes mix of Stretching, Pilates, Yoga, Swimming and Core work.
I find a quite space, this year turning a Pool Sun lounger cushion into my mat, generally in the sun and just enjoy!

Holidays are a time for rest and relaxation and there is nothing better to help your body and mind achieve this by some exercise. It helps focus the mind internally, gets you in touch with how your body and brain feels, so you can then take the time to tend to any problem or needy areas.
Try it I promise the rest of you day will feel fabulous if you take out a little time out for yourself, listen to your body without everyday interruptions or the thought in the back of your mind that the washing machine needs emptying.
You might also feel like you earned that Cocktail a little more!
Check out my short (sped up) Pool Side Core Work out video below from my recent trip to Playa Blanca, Lanzarote.