Pilates is for Everyone and Every BODY!
The wonderful thing about Pilates is that you can begin at any level regardless of ability, age, size, injury or fitness level.
I work with people of all ages and levels of fitness from 14 years olds with growing pains and poor posture to 82 year olds who wish to improve their mobility and maintain a healthy active way of life.
At The View Pilates I specialise in rehabilitation working with people who are often in acute or long term pain, especially back pain, but also often hip and other joint issues such as post-surgery knee and hip replacements.
I want promote the feeling that you can exercise no matter your age, size, ability. I am very anti 'exercise for weight loss' within the industry or that it is only for the 'fit & able' as portrayed so often in media.
I want you to feel comfortable and safe during your sessions & learn to move without being self conscious. A lot of what we do together is to is to build confidence in yourself and your ability.
Athletes who are experiencing injury and wish to focus on a specific area to avoid, treat and rehabilitate injury, to pre and postnatal mums looking to avoid/improve back pain and poor posture during and post pregnancy whilst carrying on with a safe careful exercise regime can benefit from all types of Pilates.
The benefits of Pilates
- - Improve Pain
- -Increase Mobility & maintain range of motion in all joints
- - Improve General feeling of wellbeing within your body
- - Allow you to keep up with hobbies & exercises you enjoy, Golf, Swimming, Tennis. Gardening, Running, Walking.
- - Enhances performance in sports
- - Relieves stress and back pain
- - Improves co-ordination and circulation
- - Helps to make your body more comfortable